February 9, 2010

Dedicated to Loyce Hood

This photo of an American alligator was taken in Sawgrass Lake Park in St. Petersburg on a shoot with my mentor, photographer Loyce Hood. I dedicate this photo to her because she has inspired me and supported my efforts to learn digital photography. Loyce works tirelessly with countless students and other photographers to create exciting learning environments and bring local photographers together to share their work, ideas, and camaraderie. This is my first photo using my new Nikon SLR (D3000) and processed with Lightroom 2. Thank you, Loyce, for a year of friendship, education, and support.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Margo. You are so sweet. I can't thank you enough for this dedication and I'm very flattered by the beautiful words you've said about me.

    Thank you for being my friend.

    You have given yourself no credit. I couldn't teach you anything if you weren't so diligent in practicing and studying. You have a natural eye, which is something that can't be taught and you are an outstanding photographer in your own right. You make my job as a teacher/mentor easy and fun.

    I'll miss you while you are away, and am patiently waiting to see your shots from your vacation. Have a safe, and wonderful trip.


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Lost River, West Virginia, United States

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